Rural Advertising
Rural India offers sustainable sales and profit for growth. Growth in literacy levels is expected to continue, and this, in turn, will lead to greater awareness of products on the part of the rural people.The increase in purchasing power in rural areas has generated vast potential markets for manufactured goods because the people want to raise their standard of living. In the case of rural areas, the audience is sensitive and so can be their reactions towards any kind of media used for the purpose. Culture plays an important role in deciding what they will really put to use in their routine lives which may be at work or at homes. To fill the gap, creative advertising strategies are being used in the rural areas. We have an experience in promoting brand in rural areas during –
• Melas- Nav Chandi (Meerut)
• Haats
• Kumbh – Haridwar
• Ardh Kumbh- Prayagraj
• Regional Festivals – Pujo, Ganesh Chaturthi, Bihu, Navratri, Onam